Monday 22 February 2010


Benjamin Franklin stated-"Half the truth is often a great lie." If this is true do we lie everyday or just once in a while? I think we lie everyday, even if it just a small lie. I think we lie to make friends, keep friends and even lie to our parents. Even I have done it!! Everyone lies but at what extent do we lie and why do we lie??

Lying can become out of control, some people become serious liars. If this happen it can have horrible consequences for the people involved and even people who know that person. Whether its lying about who u are to lying about the kind of money we have. The problem with lying about who you are is you start becoming that person and if you lie about money, you will have to started spending that money! Which in many case you just don't have.

The artcial here is about lying and why we lie:

The professor that looked at lying stated that we lie to boost our self-esteem!

"We find that as soon as people begin to feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels." If this is true, when ever we feel people are threating us wheather it is to do with the kind of gadges they have, do we lie and say we have this and that. To me there must be different ways to boost our self-essteam other then lying.

This video is about how we lie and why we lie:


  1. Lying is a norm however not all sorts of lies are accepted. It can be seen as acceptable to lie to your children in order to protect them.
    I think alot of people lie and hide under the jokes or story and over exaggerating things this therefore makes it a lie. I think overall lying is a bad habit and you are better off not lying but the society we are around is centred around lying.

  2. I believe a white lie never hurt anybody. However lying can make you look really stupid. For example if you tell two different stories and they dont add up. Lies lead to more lies so what is the point really?
